Sunday, March 23, 2008

Postage Calculator

Postage Calculator

Postage Calculator
If you are posting something from India to anywhere in the world
you don't have to stand in line and enquire from some uninformed rude always-busy postal clerk about how much the postage will
work out to.
Just click on the link below and get the figure yourself.
It's quite comprehensive and self explanatory.

The problem you will incur is when you have the correct figure
and go to your local uninformed rude always-busy postal clerk,
who doesn't know that Indian Postal Service has such comprehensive posting options, and he doesn't know quite how to do the calculations for your specific requirements himself!

Cecil Pinto News-You-Can-Use Service

This posting is courtesy of:

The Goan Forum

Interestingly Goa is listed under Maharastra !

The first 2 digits of PIN indicates as below:

First 2 Digits of PIN Circle
11 Delhi
12 and 13 Haryana
14 to 16 Punjab
17 Himachal Pradesh
18 to 19 Jammu & Kashmir
20 to 28 Uttaar Pradesh
30 to 34 Rjasthan
36 to 39 Gujarath
40 to 44 Maharastra
45 to 49 Madhya Pradesh
50 to 53 Andhra Pradesh
56 to 59 Karnataka
60 to 64 Tamil Nadu
67 to 69 Kerala
70 to 74 West Bengal
75 to 77 Orissa
78 Assam
79 North Eastern
80 to 85 Bihar

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